Is it all genetic? Is there anything you can do to grow a strong jaw?
You’ve probably seen Tik-Tok video’s of jaw transformation videos where people claim to have grown a stronger jawline after doing XYZ. Can it be done?
Strong jaws start in utero!
No joke- we begin swallowing while we are in utero and this is the beginning of the development of a strong jawline for both men and women.
The shape and strength of our jaw is directly influenced by the way we swallow, where we keep our tongue at rest, how we eat, what we eat, and the way the muscles of our face, mouth, and jaw function.
Strong jaw lines are a direct reflection of where we hold our tongue when we are at rest.
Right now, as you’re reading this blog post, where is your tongue?
Is it low in your mouth, resting partially on your palate, or resting completely (front and back of tongue) on your palate?
Does the tip of your tongue rest against your teeth or just behind your front teeth?
For optimal jaw growth, your tongue should be resting FULLY on your palate and the tip of your tongue should be just behind your teeth.
What we eat matters when it comes to jaw development.
Chewing is incredibly important to the development of the jaw. If we are constantly given soft foods that do not require the jaw muscles to be challenged in any way, this will not encourage a strong jaw to develop.
Chew things that require lots of chewing- meats, carrots, apples- and then really chew them! Make a point to chew as many times as you can BEFORE you swallow.
Keep your mouth closed and nasal breathe.
Your lips should be closed when you’re not talking or eating. No more open mouth breathing.
Practice nasal hygiene and breathing through your nose. This practice promotes proper tongue posture which in turn promotes a stronger jawline.
While I can’t promise a strong chiseled jaw from doing these steps, you will see a transformation in your face!
Find a myofunctional therapist to work with you as you seek to change the way you’re using the muscles of your face and mouth. They can coach you on the right exercises that meet your individual needs and help ensure you are executing them correctly.
Here’s to many strong jaw lines and happy spouses!