I mean, we are bombarded with pictures in the media of cute little babies and children who are asleep – with their mouths open. Depictions of snoring while sleeping are the norm in cartoons and movies; while mouth breathing may be “common” it’s not normal and certainly not optimal.
This is worth repeating: Mouth breathing is not optimal.
We are physiologically designed to breathe through our nose. Breathing through our nose aids the body in nitric oxide production, filters the air we are breathing, warms the air, and can calm the body down.
As orofacial myofunctional therapists we are super passionate about correct breathing and oral resting posture (tongue up, lips closed, teeth apart, breathe through your nose!) because it impacts so many other areas from sleep to cognition to behavior to heart health.
We should not hear anyone breathe or snore- mouth closed or not! It’s a red flag when we can hear someone breathe and it warrants further investigation.
Let’s play a little game of True or false:
My baby is a mouth breather but s/he will outgrow it, so I can ignore it for now.
Babies are obligatory nasal breathers. And, yes this starts at birth.
If a child is not breathing through their nose consistently throughout the day and night, they should be referred to a feeding therapist (SLP/OT) who has TOTs and Myo training as well.
Why is this so important?
As mentioned above, the nose acts as a filter.
The hairs in the nose catch dust and other minute particles stopping them from entering the body (your mouth can’t and does not do this). The nose has pretty amazing capabilities. It filters out bacteria, dust, and dirt during this process. It is one of the first defenses of the body’s immune system.
The nasal cavity also softens, moistens, and warms the air for smoother entry into the lungs.
Deep breathing has long been touted to relieve stress and anxiety, many studies support this theory as well. Nasal breathing allows for deeper breaths, engages lower lungs, and allows more oxygen to be distributed throughout the body.
What does this mean for you?
Nasal breathing (not mouth breathing) allows MORE oxygen to flow and keeps our tissues and organs healthy.
Want to learn more and gain competence in helping your clients by recognizing red flags that point to orofacial myofunctional disorders? All while becoming confident in developing a comprehensive treatment plan to address their specific needs?
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