Online Medical


A place where medical professionals go to build an online business that makes them 6+ figures. 

If you’re someone who…

  • Wants to make an additional 6 figures  a year so that you have the flexibility to keep or reduceyour current hourse OR leave/sell your business (if you have one)
  • Feels burnt out from the relentless ‘go-go-go’ nature of the job – constantly advocating for yourself, your patients (and if you have a business – your team)
  • Finds yourself thinking of great ideas and ways to help people but you’re not quite sure how to get them out to the world
  • Has very little time for yourself – your day goes like this…up early for work, home late, and by the time all the errands are done, it’s time for bed
  • Considers yourself coachable and find yourself always striving for more…
  • Is comfortable following clear, precise, step-by-step guidance…

Apply below to learn how we can help you on your journey to 6 figures online…

Online Medical Entrepreneur

Get your free guide...

Discover how to start a profitable 6-figure online business in 2024

Using this EXACT ‘3 Pillar Method’ I Scaled My Online Course From 0-7 Figures in 11 months

and helped countless students create additional income streams, quit their 9-5s & enjoy more freedom. Now I’m revealing everything in this free guide:
  • The 3-Pillar “Elevation Movement Method” that helped me finally leave the medical field and create a 7-figure business on my own terms.
  • How to create a business plan in just 10 minutes with my “Napkin Biz Plan” strategy.
  • Don’t have a lot of time? This time management “mindset” helped me juggle my 9-5 while scaling an online business on the side.
  • How to go from a Medical Professional feeling stuck and drained to becoming an Online Medical Entrepreneur in control of your future.
  • How to do a full skills diagnosis so you can find out what you’re good at and what new skills you need to learn (starting an online business requires a lotta new skills–here is where you get clear and create an action plan)
  • The 80/20 of marketing in just 8 simple steps–use this to shortcut the marketing stuff and get straight to making sales.

And much more!