Is Feeding Therapy Intriguing But Scary To You?
Are you at a place in your career where you’ve dabbled in feeding therapy with some supervision, but you feel like you need more training to be a competent feeding therapist?
We get the basics in school (sometimes), but being out in the real world is scary, we need training to fill the gaps.
I totally get it!
I’ve been there, ready to fill the gap, but hesitant.
The need for competent feeding therapists is huge, and I know you want to provide quality services.
This is exactly why I created Feed The Peds. I want to equip you to be the very best Feeding Therapist and to provide the highest quality feeding therapy to your clients.
If you’re ready to take the plunge, download our screening tool, The Pediatric Screening Packet, and join our 5 day FREE training to learn how to confidently screen pediatric patients for possible feeding delays.
This game-changing training will be held February 3-7, 2025. I provide the patients, you download the screening packet and come ready to learn!
What you’ll get:
- A clear roadmap to guide you
- Developmental milestones covering a child’s first 3 years of life
- Comprehensive checklist to accurately document your observations
- Additional log to reflect results
- Referral form
- And so much more!
Download the packet and save the dates! I’ll see you in February!